One of Shanti's hunt gifts is being featured tonight on Happy Hunting, an sl tv show about current hunts! If you'd like to watch in the studio, I've attached a link and its at 3pm sltime or you can watch it on the web after at find the featured hunts. Its either wheres the turkey hunt or strawberry fields, I have a hunt that its SF as I did a special one for that! :) Come out and support Shanti!! So exciting! (if you havent-come hunt for these!)
well, you could have blinked and missed it. so many details to that outfit (Strawberry Fields Hunt Gift) and not a single one mentioned. *and* they got the name of the shop wrong. Oh well, it was exciting when I thought it might be a good thing, but since no one will have even gotten the name of the shop, pretty useless half a second. sigh.